‘spirituality and spiritual awareness’ (blog 6)



‘spirituality and spiritual awareness’ (blog 6)

‘A suggestion for consideration’

Concerns current themes and subjects, which are illuminated in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of ‘spirituality’ and ‘spiritual awareness’ within our society. This creates the possibility to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it by applying it in our daily life on Earth.

‘Why is a different approach to the concept of ‘spiritual growth’ so essential?

If we already have a broader concept and perspective as ‘spiritual beings’ and we have assumed a temporary embodiment in order to gain an experimental journey experience on this unnatural, physical planet, what would our next pursuit and goal be aimed at?

The experiences of ‘outer paths’ have brought us to the point where we are steadily letting go of our ‘outer world’. The desires and attachment to what this physical world has to offer us seem to be increasingly saturated emotionally. We are more self-aware and focused on our inner state of mind. We become more alert and learn to dose energetically. What actually nourishes me in my daily life? Or what situations or people around me ‘draw’ energy or cost me strength?

Everything is good in this ‘searching’ phase and every experience contributes to shifting to a higher level of self-awareness. We experience and recognize inner impulses and dare to listen to these intuitive feelings. We also identify less and less with our personality and characteristics, because we view and experience our life and the world in an increasingly broader way.

‘The key to a more spiritual, physically balanced life begins with the pursuit of acceptance and resignation in the mind’.

The concept of time and space is relative and belongs to human, social life on Earth, but not essential from the spiritual awareness of infinite evolution. However, our physical body and functioning are subject to the forces and laws of the material universe, just as we individually cannot close ourselves off from the energetic influence of the collective consciousness of humanity.

As we increasingly focus on our self-awareness growth and pay attention to our inner mind, the arrangement of our daily activities and living structure will also change. Time for meditation and contemplation to reconsider our experiences and questions. Studying and reflecting on spiritual teachings from, for example, the ascended masters, will gradually be integrated into our lives. In this way, over time, a certain degree of balance will be experienced in your inner and outer world.

However, 'the outside world' will continue to pull at us and challenge us, because we simply cannot escape it. As long as we still harbor 'separate selves' in our three lower bodies and live from certain beliefs, which our reaction and behavior patterns show and experience, we still have inner aspects to resolve and transcend.

The more we see and accept this, the more we will consider Earthly life as a great life process. It offers us the possibility and chance to ascend on this planet, in this life. The more our Divine destiny plan unfolds internally, the more we will experience peace and joy.

‘Our deepest underlying desire, is wholeness with the I AM presence’

‘The Kingdom’ is within us, one of the most essential teachings of ascended Master Jesus, which have been recorded by the scribes. And he still conveys these and more teachings in a way, which we can now better understand and fathom, through the increase of the collective consciousness in the past 2000 years.

‘The Kingdom’ represents the ‘Christ consciousness’. And we can only make this higher state of consciousness our own, if we follow the inner Christ path and gradually fully restore the connection with our ‘I will be his presence’ - higher Self being. Then words like, ‘I and my Father are one’… and ‘Not I, but the Father does the works through me’… and ‘Without the Father I can do nothing’, will resonate deeply within our being and come alive again.

Let us conclude this sixth blog with some profound teachings from the ascended Masters and contemplate and meditate on them for ourselves. It will contribute positively to seeing through and transcending our attachments, subtle expectations, beliefs and programs that once arose in the duality consciousness.
The intuitive navigation and focus on our path will become stronger, as well as the Christ discernment that what really serves us in consciousness growth and what no longer serves us.

GM via MK

In the next blog we will further elaborate on the spiritual teachings below in relation to our physical, personal and material life and circumstances.


‘My outer circumstances are nothing more than a reflection of my inner circumstances from the past. I change the mental images in my mind, thereby inevitably experiencing change which is reflected back to me by the cosmic mirror’.

‘The human struggle is actually a struggle for a sense of security, and that feeling is the result of energy outside the material spectrum’

‘I have grown up in a society that programs me to believe that if I have a need or desire, then I must find something outside of myself to fulfill that feeling. This programming comes from a desire to control myself through my needs’.

‘My interactions with other people are based on an inner sense of abundance. Instead of taking from others by force, I try to give to others.

"The secret of life is that the real key to fulfilling my desires, the real key to experiencing God's abundant life, is to stop looking for abundance outside of myself. To experience abundance, to experience wholeness, I look within myself."

"I am spiritually self-sufficient and therefore I no longer need anything from any source outside of myself. I no longer need anything from any other person or any social institution, organization or company. I am truly independent in a spiritual way."

"I work together with others, we multiply our individual talents and bundle them together so that the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. We give selflessly and receive selflessly, which restores the right connection with God."


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