
‘spirituality and spiritual awareness’ (blog 6)

  A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE ON... ‘spirituality and spiritual awareness’ (blog 6) ‘A suggestion for consideration’ Concerns current themes and subjects, which are illuminated in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of ‘spirituality’ and ‘spiritual awareness’ within our society. This creates the possibility to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it by applying it in our daily life on Earth. ‘Why is a different approach to the concept of ‘spiritual growth’ so essential? If we already have a broader concept and perspective as ‘spiritual beings’ and we have assumed a temporary embodiment in order to gain an experimental journey experience on this unnatural, physical planet, what would our next pursuit and goal be aimed at? The experiences of ‘outer paths’ have brought us to the point where we are steadily letting go of our ‘outer world’. The desires and attachment to what this physical world has to offer

'Spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 5)

  ANOT HE R PERSPECTIVE ON... 'SPIRITUALITY & SPIRITUAL AWARENESS' (BLOG 5) 'A suggestion for consideration'. Concerns current themes and topics, which are discussed in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of 'spirituality' and 'spiritual awareness' within our society. This creates the opportunity to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it through application in our daily life on Earth. It took a while to write this. My intention is to regard the fifth blog as a kind of conclusion, in which we once again highlight the essence of the 'spiritual awakening' of the previous four blogs. Let us use some 'headers' from blog 4 as a guideline. 'You don't have to become something you already are!'. The feeling, the thought of 'spiritual awakening' is increasingly heard and shared by people who experience something and try to define thei

'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 4)

ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ON... 'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 4) 'A suggestion for consideration' Concerns current themes and topics, which are discussed in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of 'spirituality' and 'spiritual awareness' within our society. This creates the opportunity to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it through application in our daily life on Earth. 'Do you believe now?... because you have seen me, you believe... Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed' Spoken words from the distant past of an already ascended master, which were once recorded in writing and are still 'preached' and 'taught' on a daily basis, but whose depth cannot easily be fathomed by man's 'self-limiting' consciousness. More than 2,000 years later, most of cultured humanity still does not experience a deeper belief within its

'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 3)

ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ON... 'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 3) 'A suggestion for consideration' Concerns current themes and topics, which are discussed in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of 'spirituality' and 'spiritual awareness' within our society. This creates the opportunity to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it through application in our daily life on Earth. 'Our formed personality - ego, is actually 'the product' of all our lives' Let us first return to the essential aspects of the previous two blogs, so that we can obtain a reference from which to continue with blog 3. Our awakening on this planet and learning that we are more than a 'mortal' human being of flesh and blood, is in fact the starting point of the search for our 'true' identity. Although this is often seen and presented as a major breakthrough, it is nothing m

'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 2)

 ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE ON... 'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 2) 'A suggestion for consideration' Concerns current themes and topics, which are discussed in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of 'spirituality' and 'spiritual awareness' within our society. This creates the opportunity to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it through application in our daily life on Earth. “A personal experience is superior to any spiritual insight provided” When we have reached a phase, a certain point in our lives and this certainly does not have to be in this or the next life, but has made an essential breakthrough by recognizing that we are 'spiritual beings' and have a higher understanding of life then sooner or later we will start to tailor and organize our lives accordingly. But the linear, outer spirit is still predominant. Because it lives from analysis and wanting to u

'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 1)

'spirituality and spiritual awareness' (part 1) 'A suggestion for consideration' Concerns current themes and topics, which are discussed in a broader perspective - the intention is to normalize the concept of 'spirituality' and 'spiritual awareness' within our society. This creates the opportunity to reflect on yourself from your free will and personal level and to experiment with it through application in our daily life on Earth. “A spiritual insight never includes the highest understanding!” I am 'spiritual', I hear people around me say more and more and I also notice this worldwide on social media platforms and personal contacts. The personal vision and understanding given to it vary considerably. All the more reason to think about it and highlight and explain it from a broader perspective. Ask any number of people and you are guaranteed to hear different views and answers. There is nothing wrong with that in itself and certainly not strange,